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Pigeon Supplies Plus

YBD-Cure (100 grams) AvioMed

YBD-Cure (100 grams) AvioMed

Regular price $44.95 USD
Regular price Sale price $44.95 USD
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This extremely effective combination of antibiotics, immune stimulants and herbals act synergistically to be highly effective against Circo-Virus and the most common secondary bacterial infections that cause the clinical syndrome known as Young Bird Disease (YBD) in young pigeons. YBD is a frustrating disease that affects young pigeons between the age of 4 weeks to one year. YBD is a multi-factorial disease that is seen clinically when pigeons contract Circovirus and they are stressed and/or suffer from other underlying diseases such as Paramyxovirus, Trichomoniasis, Coccidiosis and Salmonella amongst others. Pigeons initially show symptoms of listlessness and loss of appetite, this is soon followed by excessive drinking of water and Vomiting as well as a bad smelling yellow to green diarrhea. Pigeons lose weight rapidly and about 10 20 % of untreated pigeons die. If pigeons are not treated effectively they may become severely stunted and never recover fully to become competitive during the racing season. An incredible new combination product that contains the two safest and most effective antibiotics against the secondary bacteria found in YBD (Amoxycillin and Colistine) combined with four well researched and proven natural immune stimulants has been hailed as a world breakthrough in the treatment of this dreaded disease. Dr Bothas YBD-Cure is based on years of pain staking personal research combined with knowledge gained from the latest scientific articles printed in Veterinary journals. The unique and effective combination of Capsicum oleoresin (Capsicum), Turmeric oleoresin (Curcumin), Olea europaea ( Oleuropein) and Beta Glucan as anti-viral and immune stimulating elements with the high dose antibiotics make this product far superior to any other YBD products available.

If out of stock, suggest Y-B-D Remedy by AvianBioTech

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